Groupwise c067 Error on all users after Restore?
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Soroush Madjzoob
2006-06-28 23:55:45 UTC
We suffered a NSS Pool corruption and had to restore from a Backup.

Using GW6.5.5 on NWSB6.5.4 with a single PostOffice and MTA.

The MTA, POA and GWIA all come up fine. When I do a Validation on the databases (PostOffice and Domain), there are not problems. I've started to to an Anylyze/Fix on the PostOffice.

When any user goes to Login, they get a c067 error! On the POA console there is an error saying:
Database Store Number is invalid [c067]
The database facility reported error [c059] on user userxxx.db

I've even done a structural rebuild on the admin account and still can't get in?
"Edward van der Maas" + >
2006-06-29 09:38:37 UTC
Post by Soroush Madjzoob
We suffered a NSS Pool corruption and had to restore from a Backup.
Using GW6.5.5 on NWSB6.5.4 with a single PostOffice and MTA.
The MTA, POA and GWIA all come up fine. When I do a Validation on
the databases (PostOffice and Domain), there are not problems. I've
started to to an Anylyze/Fix on the PostOffice.
When any user goes to Login, they get a c067 error! On the POA
console there is an error saying: Database Store Number is invalid
[c067] The database facility reported error [c059] on user userxxx.db
C067 error. It could be that your wphost.db is corrupt. Try rebuilding

C059 error. Did your backup had the ngwguard.db in there as well ? If
this one is missing it is missing quite a bit of information.